It seems like a special privilege to have been one of perhaps only a small group of Americans who got to see Cuba in its final day's of Castro's presidency. According to Castro's letter in the Granma, he has decided not to be considered as a candidate for president when Cuba's newly elected parliament chooses the president in the coming weeks. Of course, Castro will still be a powerful force in Cuban politics and he is planning to continue writing his column for the paper. Probably, his younger brother, Raul Castro, will be chosen as president in his stead. Raul has demonstrated that he is interested in negotiating with the U.S. as well as liberalizing Cuba's economy, and with the American regime change imminent as well, there could be big changes on the horizon. It would be exciting to see an amelioration of the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba, but personally I hope that Cuba doesn't give up any of its revolutionary principles!
We'll see what the Cuban reaction will be -- most Cubans don't have access to the internet, so many of them haven't heard the news yet!
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