I heard about these two resources from folks at the Buy Fresh Buy Local St. Croix Valley Steering Committee meeting, and I thought I would pass them on.
Natural Step is an international organization as well as an approach to problem solving for organizations, governments, and businesses. The "steps" are really a framework for transforming the way we do everything so as to make what we do more sustainable. I also think the steps themselves form a good definition of sustainability. The organization has resources to assist with the implementation of these steps. Many companies, including Smith and Hawken, Nike, and Ikea (to name just a few) are working with Natural Step. For now they seem to be only on the west coast in the U.S., but hopefully they'll make their way inland soon.
Blue Thumb is a project of the Rice Creek Watershed District, and it's a program to encourage people to garden with the preservation of our water resources in mind. They have great information about how to plant rain gardens to filter water that eventually cycles back into our homes, as well as how to garden with native plant varieties and to protect shorelines. This site is for every backyard gardener!
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