As some of you know, my current job is set to expire officially in mid-August, at which point I will have to find gainful employment (or gainful free-loading) elsewhere. What's the plan? Well, I don't rightly know, but I'm investigating a few options:
Plan A: Service Corps job with the Lutheran Volunteer Service or the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Basically, this would be very similar to what I've been doing, only I'd be doing it while living in a intentional community based on Lutheran or Jesuit spirituality (depending on which program I get accepted into). What's the upshot? I can live and eat in San Francisco for FREE! And, if I get my first choice job placement I could be working in legal aid, which might even help me get into law school next fall. Plus, it fits perfectly into the academic year, freeing me up to start law school in '09.
Plan B: Farm internship in California. A few weeks ago, I was sitting on the porch at WEI, drinking a beer and watching the clouds in the east turn from white to pink to grey as the sun set behind me and the songbirds sang their final notes and the bats began their noiseless insect hunt in the hastening twilight of evening, and I thought to myself, "damn, I love this." What more could I possibly want? So, I'm looking into doing another farm internship, this time in California, as close to San Francisco as possible. I might not be able to start work until next spring, but I could take a few months off to be a freeloader at home, which would give me a chance to study for the LSATs, work on law school applications and scholarship applications, and just generally reflect on my life. There's nothing sexy about living at home, or spending another winter in Minnesota, but still I'm liking this plan more and more -- I'm tempted to call this Plan A.
Plan C: Get a regular job in San Francisco. (See a theme? Yeah, I really want to go to San Francisco. Maybe I'll change my mind after I visit SF next week... but, I doubt it.) I'm considering a job as a campus organizer or administrator with U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG). It's 40 hours a week, decent pay, an option to buy into their health insurance plan, and it's only for the academic year. I'm not sure I'm crazy about another community organizer job, but I'd be working on college campuses with people who are mostly my peers (read: potential friends -- omg, I could have friend again! and, a social life! wow.) And, I have lots of experience, and I'd probably be good at it. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I sort of like this. I'm anxious about not having the chance to play in the dirt for a whole year, but maybe I could volunteer somewhere, or I'm sure they have community gardens in SF, right??? If I can't get the PIRG job, there are lots of other food service or administrative assistant type jobs, the type that wouldn't make me ecstatically happy, but that wouldn't suck up all my energy for living, either.
Other ideas...
- I applied for a VISTA Leader job in St. Paul, and they offered me the position, and I haven't officially turned them down yet, but I think I'm probably going to. When I applied, I was thinking it would be sort of a "backup" option. First obvious flaw -- not in SF. Second, it only pays $1100 a month, and I'd basically be doing what I'm already doing (and I'm not real fond of that anymore). It was a confidence-booster, though, to get the job offer, but now I feel lousy for having to say "no thanks."
- Living at home at temping. The living-at-home part is loathsome, and doing temp jobs would probably be loathsome, too, but there's nothing like the offer of free room and board, and let's face it, I really like the T. C. I could do a lot of volunteering with my favorite orgs, like LSP, IATP, WEI, RTC, and that would more than make up for having a crappy part time job, and it might even make up for indignity of moving back with my mom... maybe. (Nothing personal, Mom. I love you. But, I'm turning 25 in August, and that's just embarrassing.) I also had this harebrained idea that I could spend more time on my fiber arts hobby, spin more, design some patterns, set up an store... A lady can dream, right? Well, probably this is what I would be doing during the winter if I go with Plan B, anyway.
So, there you go. There are pros and cons to all my plans, and I have to admit that I'm not really in control of what happens next. A lot of things will have to fall in place if any of my plans are to work out. C'est la vie.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
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